Sir Charles Bell
生卒年月 1774/11/01 - 1842/04/28
Scottish anatomist, surgeon and physiologist, born in November 1774; died on April 28, 1842 in North Harlow, Worcestershire. In England, he was considered the most important doctor and scientist at the time. During his visit to Paris, Professor Roux ended his speech with the words “C'est assez, Messieurs, vous avez vu Charles Bell”. There was a fascinating flash behind his glasses, he was very kind and unaffected. Famous doctors from all over the world came to visit him in London, and his travel abroad became a parade of victory. He received many honors, including the spirit of the Cavaliers, awarded by the lord Henry Peter Bloomham (1778-1868). Bell's palsy: Peripheral, usually unilateral, facial nerve idiopathic paralysis.