Koyanagi Bisan
生卒年月 1880/01/01 - 1954/01/01
Kobayashi Mitsu (1880-1954), Japanese eye scientist. Meiji was born in December of the 13th. Dazheng was a professor at Kyoto Medical School for 8 years and later became a professor of ophthalmology at the Northeast Imperial University (now Northeastern University). In 1929, an ocular anterior idiopathic uveitis with systemic symptoms was discovered and reported. He died on February 25, 29th. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome: sudden pigmentation, eyebrows and hair whitening, baldness and vitiligo and other skin damage, headache, dizziness, nausea and other nervous system manifestations, tinnitus, deafness and dizziness and other inner ear symptoms.