出生日期 1945/01/01
生卒年月 1922/01/01 - 1981/01/01
生卒年月 1820/01/01 - 1864/01/01
Müller (1820 - 1864), German physiologist and anatomist. In 1851, Müller noticed the red color in rod cells, now known as rhodopsin or rhodopsin, a pigment present in retinal rod cells. He also described glial cell fibers that make up the retinal support frame, a structure known as "Müller fiber." In 1856, together with his colleague Albert von Korric (1817-1905), he stated that the frog's heart would produce electricity every time it contracted. Since 1858 he has been a full professor at the University of Würzburg. As a lecturer, he also teaches system anatomy, histology and microscopy. Müller's muscle: The round part of the ciliary muscle of the eye. After the French physiologist Charles Marie Benjamin Rukit (1824-1904), it was also known as "Rouget Muscle". Sometimes referred to as "Müller-Rouget Muscle" to commemorate these two people.
生卒年月 1899/07/23 - 1986/09/17
Swedish ophthalmologist, born on July 23, 1899, in copping, malaren, scherer;Died on September 17, 1986, lund.He graduated from karolinska institute in medical science in 1922.He qualified as a doctor in 1927.In 1933, sjoger described his syndrome in his doctoral dissertation severe keratoconjunctivitis.In 1925, he described three cases of salivary gland atrophy associated with dry eyes, dry mouth, and vaginal dryness.In 1957, sjogren became an associate professor at the university of gothenburg and was made an honorary professor in 1961.In 1951 he was elected honorary member of the Australian ophthalmology society, honorary member of the American rheumatic society in 1970, honorary member of the svensk rematoroniak society of forensic medicine and honorary member of the royal college of surgeons of Glasgow in 1976.sjogren's syndrome= is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by conjunctivitis and dry mouth.
生卒年月 1851/01/01 - 1935/01/01
German neurolinguist, born 1851, died 1935.Wilbrand studied in giessen and Strasbourg and received his doctorate in 1875.In 1905 he became director of ophthalmology at agmeny hospital and in 1919 he was appointed professor of ophthalmology.Then he retired.Wilbrand devoted his life to the study of visual physiology and pathology, especially visual pathways and cortical representations and projections.He showed homomorphic hemianopia caused by damage to optical radiation, the occipital cortex, and the optic nerve tract, and discredited the old German physiologist Friedrich Leopold Goltz (1834-1902) theory that the visual center was located under the cortex. Wilbrand's knee: a group of crossed lower quadrant outer ganglion cells with axons extending forward into the posterior optic nerve.It is considered to be the anatomic basis for contralateral superior quadrant visual field defects found in posterior optic neuropathy.
生卒年月 1926/01/01 - 2014/01/01
胡天圣(1926-2014)生于湖南桃源,1946 -1950年就读于清华大学化学系,毕业后考入北京协和医学院,1955年 毕业。 历任北京协和医院眼科住院医师、主治医师、副教授及教授。1980-1982, 作为北京协和医院最早派往北京进修人员之一, 在美国国立眼科研究所( NEINIH)从事白内障基础研究。胡天圣教授成长于协和,临床功底扎实,特别是对于葡萄膜炎、白内障、青光眼的研究具有极深造诣。同时热爱教学工作,治学严谨,授课深入浅出,并率先尝试双语教学。
生卒年月 1915/01/01 - 2003/09/29
胡铮教授于1915年出生于云南省昆明市。中国共产党党员,中国协和医科大学、中国医学科学院北京协和医院眼科原主任,中国医学科学院眼科研究中心名誉主任,中华医学会眼科学分会原副主任委员,博士生导师。 1944年毕业于华西大学医学院,获医学博士学位。历任华西大学医学院助教、讲师,中国协和医科大学、中国医学科学院北京协和医院眼科副教授、教授、副主任、主任,中国医学科学院眼科研究中心主任、名誉主任,中华医学会眼科学分会副主任委员。 早在1950年,他就深入农村,开展沙眼的防治工作。1980年初,他曾组织和实施眼病流行病学调查工作,参与制定我国的防盲治盲规划。1990年又荣获国际防盲协会颁发的亚洲“终生献身防盲事业奖”。
生卒年月 1920/01/01 - 2014/01/01
黄秀贞(1920-2014),白求恩医科大学二院教授、主任医师。1969年创造了用恒磁吸取眼内磁性异物;1978 年改进用瓶型房角镜检查前房角;1992 年主编《前房角镜图谱》,填补国内空白;2003 年主编《眼科病理基础图谱》(人卫版)。
生卒年月 1889/02/20 - 1948/03/08
Turkish dermatologist, born on February 20, 1889, Istanbul; died on March 8, 1948. Behçet's most important contribution to the medical literature is the monograph "Clinical and Practical Syphilis, Diagnosis and Related Skin Diseases" published in 1940. Each page of the book contains an aspect of syphilis and footnotes and provides a wealth of detailed information about the differential diagnosis of other dermatological conditions. Although the book is outdated, it retains its value and spirit in the medical field and is the only example of the field. Behçet syndrome: a recurrent systemic disease characterized by uveitis with anterior chamber empyema, recurrent ulceration of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa, and genital ulcers.