Terson's syndrome = Terson described vitreous hemorrhages occurring in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage and attributed it to a sudden increase in venous pressure that ruptures epipapillary and peripapillary capillaries. About 20% of patients suffering of subarachnoid, or subdural hemorrhages develop intraocular hemorrhages that in most cases are confined at the posterior pole. Intraretinal and subretinal bleeding may also be present, usually from the optic disc and retinal blood vessels. Subhyaloid hemorrhages are usually present. In most cases these hemorrhages clear spontaneously and vision function is unaffected.
生卒年月 1837/01/01 - 1909/01/03
Scottish ophthalmologist, born in 1837, Edinburgh; on January 3, 1909, Gonday near Mumbai, India died. Douglas Moray Cooper Lamb Argyll Robertson was one of the first surgeons to focus entirely on the ophthalmology field, and his name was always associated with the phenomenon he described in his pupil in his back. Graefe's scalpel: Designed for cataract extraction, it is now historic. Argyll Robertson Syndrome: A common symptom of neurosyphilis, particularly back pain, and other diseases of the central nervous system where the pupil is small and slow or not responding at all, but retains response to regulation and convergence.
生卒年月 1834/02/19 - 1908/01/18
Dutch ophthalmologist, born 19th February, 1834, Zeist (Utrecht); died 18th January, 1908. Snellen's charts = Chart printed with lines of black letters used for testing visual acuity.
生卒年月 1828/03/22 - 1870/07/20
German ophthalmologist, born on May 22, 1828, in finkenhal, Berlin, Germany (mark Brandenburg);He died in Berlin on July 20, 1870.Graefe's sign: when a patient's gaze changes from looking up to looking down, the upper eyelid cannot follow the eye downward.Graefe's knife: a historically significant knife for cataract extraction.
生卒年月 1858/09/01 - 1926/06/10
American ophthalmologist, born on September 1, 1858, Malone, New York; died on June 10, 1926. Alexander Duane is one of the earliest researchers in the field of ophthalmology and is particularly interested in conditioning and strabismus. He is best known for the translation of the book by Ernst Fuchs, the authority of Vienna. In 1903, the book appeared in English under the name "Fox Eye Science Textbook" and has eight versions. Duane syndrome: The adduction of the adduction and contraction of the medial and lateral rectus muscles at the same time helps to identify the condition. Duane's retraction syndrome is often mistaken for the sixth nerve paralysis in infancy because of the lack of abduction of the eye involved. In fact, Duane syndrome is common in children as a cause of limited abduction, so it is important to keep this in mind.
生卒年月 1871/12/11 - 1940/04/05
German ophthalmologist, born on December 11, 1871, died on April 5, 1940 in New York. Alfred Bielschowsky was born in a Jewish family in Namslau, Lower Silesia. He graduated in 1889 and subsequently entered medical research at the University of Breslau. He quickly moved to Heidelberg, where he graduated in 1891. In the first semester of clinical education, he was influenced by the lecture by Theodor Leber (1840-1917). His main areas of work are the physiology and pathology of Raumsinn and the movement of the eye. He is a collaborator of Graefe-Saemisch at Handbuch der gesamten Augenheilkunde. Bielschowsky's head tilt test: an upper oblique muscle paralysis test caused by a fourth cranial nerve injury.
生卒年月 1879/10/31 - 1943/01/01
Swiss ophthalmologist, born on October 31, 1879, in Menziken;He died in 1943.Alfred vogt studied at the university of Basel and received his doctorate in 1904.Vogt has developed techniques for retinal endoscopic examination and surgical treatment of retinal detachment.In 1913, he began examining the structure of the front of the eye using a new slit lamp and corneal microscope.Vogt is a leader in ophthalmology and has received the prestigious Donders and Gullstrand MEDALS for his work.Limbal girdle of Vogt: limbal corneal opacity bundle, an arc concentric, at 3 PM and 9 PM and corneal limbus adjacent inside palpebral fissure;Nasal infections are more common than temporary infections, but usually both.Vogt-koyanagi-harada syndrome (VKH) : systemic inflammation involving the eyes and other organs common to some RACES
生卒年月 1891/01/01 - 1966/12/31
毕华德,眼科学家、医学教育家、中国现代眼科学的主要奠基人。对眼屈光学有特殊的研究,著有《眼屈光学》 。他所建立的诊断、处理方法,至今仍为人们所遵循。对沙眼、淋病性眼炎、梅毒性眼炎以及青光眼、白内障等都有深入研究。在北京协和医院首倡用汉语讲课。他是中国第一位西医眼科医师,又将中医眼科学用英语在外文杂志上发表,以宏扬祖国医学。创建中国最早的眼科学会,并创刊《中华眼科杂志》 。
生卒年月 1916/01/01 - 2000/01/01
生卒年月 1908/01/01 - 1986/01/01
曹福康(1908-1986),男,浙江宁波人。眼科专家,三级教授。1935年毕业于上海圣约翰大学医学院,获医学博士学位,次年赴美国宾夕法尼亚大学医学院深造,获眼科硕士学位,并任该院眼科总住院医师。 1938年回国后,历任圣约翰大学眼科教师和宏仁医院、邮电医院、仁济医院眼科顾问等职。1956年曹福康教授响应党和政府的号召,放弃开业诊所,参加上海第二医学院工作,历任上海第二医学院儿科系眼科教研组主任,仁济医院、第九人民医院眼科主任。 1958年调任新华医院眼科主任、眼科教研室主任,为新华医院眼科的全面发展奠定基础。发表论文有“我国儿童眼肌电图”、“电烙法治疗视网膜血管瘤病”、“工业性铅中毒眼部 症状 5 例分析报告”、“中医治疗中心性视网膜炎初步报告”等。
生卒年月 1874/10/28 - 1943/01/01
German ophthalmologist, born on October 28, 1874, died in 1943. Carl Behr studied at Freiburg, Kiel, Munich and Berlin and received his Ph.D. in Kiel in 1900. He is an intern and assistant physician at the Eppendorfer and St-George hospitals in Hamburg and the eye clinic at Keele University. In 1910, he was engaged in eye science research there. In 1916 he became an extraordinary professor in Kiel and in 1923 he was appointed professor of ophthalmology at Hamburg. His area of particular interest is neuro-ophthalmology, which depicts several new entities, including those now named after him. Behr's optic atrophy: a recessive form of optic atrophy that may occur alone or may be associated with deafness, diabetes, and neurological complications.
生卒年月 1812/04/18 - 1887/03/07
German ophthalmologist, born on April 18, 1812, Obergraupen near Teplitz, Bohemia; died on March 7, 1887. He received ophthalmology training from Professor Johann Nepomuk Fischer (1777-1847), founder of modern ophthalmology medicine in Bohemia, and received his doctorate in medicine in Prague in 1839. From October 1846 to July 1849, he served as the chairman's supplement. Ophthalmology in Prague, August 1849 to July 1856, Professor of Ophthalmology in Prague. At the beginning of his large-scale work on eye diseases, Arlt began his career at an early stage and in 1855 collaborated with Franz Cornelis Donders (1818-1889) to become a co-editor of Archivfür Ophthalmologie magazine.
生卒年月 1833/01/01 - 1890/01/01
Berlin neuroanatomist and psychiatrist born in 1833 died in 1890.Karl friedrich otto westphal was a renowned physician and private medical consultant.From 1851, he studied in Berlin, Heidelberg and Zurich, and received his doctorate in Vienna and Paris.In 1857 westphal became assistant to the charite smallpox branch in Berlin.A year later, he moved to the department of mental disorders as an assistant doctor.In 1861, he was appointed professor of psychiatry at the university of Berlin.In 1868, westphal became head of smallpox and internal medicine.A year later, in 1869, he was appointed distinguished professor of psychiatry, chief physician and clinical teacher of the department of psychiatry and neurological diseases, and full professor of psychiatry in 1874.Edinger-Westphal nucleus: parasympathetic nucleus of the third oculomotor nerve.
生卒年月 1849/01/01 - 1984/01/01
German anatomist. Born in Mainz in 1849, he became a lecturer at the University of Heidelberg School of Medicine in 1845. He died in 1984. Bruch membrane: refers to a thin film-like structure between the choroidal capillary layer and the pigment epithelium of the retina. Because the first is described by Bruch, hence the name.
生卒年月 1857/11/27 - 1952/03/04
British neurophysiologist (born 27 November 1857 in London) died 4 March 1952 in eastbourne, Sussex.Sherrington completed his medical course from 1884 to 1887 and was certified by the Royal College of Physicians in 1886.In 1887, sherrington was appointed lecturer in physiology at st Thomas's medical college in London, where he continued to study the spinal cord.From 1891 to 1905, he succeeded Sir Victor Alexander haden horsley (1857-1916) as chief physician at the brown institute, the centre for the study of physiology and pathology in humans and animals.In 1895, sherrington was appointed professor of physiology at Liverpool holt.In 1932, he Shared the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine with Edgar Douglas Adrian.Sherrington's law: reciprocal innervation law: when a group of muscles is stimulated, the opposite of the activity of the first group of muscles is inhibited.
生卒年月 1899/01/01 - 1986/01/01
广东台山人,中国现代眼科学的主要奠基人之一,眼科学家和医学教育家。曾任中山医科大学眼科中心名誉主任,毕生从事医学教育事业,建立教育、医疗、科研与防盲的综合眼科中心,致力于中国眼科史的研究。主要论著有《眼的化学构造》、《中国眼科之外科手术》《眼科学》《中国人的屈光状况》等。 重视人才培养,教书育人,培养了我国第一批眼科研究生,主编高等院校教材《眼科学》,创办中山眼科中心,为医疗、教学、科研和防盲建立了良好基地,造就出一批眼科优秀医师。他一生勤奋、治学严谨,通晓多国浯言,发表科学论文百余篇,蜚声中外,国际视觉和眼科研究会议曾授予“特殊贡献奖”。
出生日期 1939/01/01
褚仁远,男,1939年6月22日出生浙江天台人复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院眼科学教授,博士生导师。现任卫生部近视眼重点实验室主任、中华医学会眼科学分会常委.中华眼科学会视光学组副组长、中国医学遗传学会眼科专业委员会主任委员,为《中华眼科杂志》.《眼视光学杂志》和《中国眼耳鼻喉科杂志》副总编辑。主要从事眼科遗传病的研究,特别在近视眼的临床防治和基础研究上具有极高的造诣,是我国隐性眼镜与眼屈光手术的开拓者之一,在国内最早开展后巩膜加固术. PRK. epi-LASEK等手术,并自行研制成功国产角膜接触镜和国产LASIK. Epi-LASIK手术刀具。曾在日本国顺天堂大学医学部.日本国临床眼科研究所以及原苏联莫斯科眼显微外科研究所深造.历年来共发表论文100余篇,编著与参与编写专著20余本,曾经在世界权威杂志《Nature Genetics》上发表白内障基因的论文。曾获得的奖励有:国家技术发明二等奖(2006年),美国新英格兰视光学院国际视觉奖(2006年1、第六届香港国际眼科学术会议金奖(2006年). 第3届全球华人眼科学术大会暨中华医学会第11届眼科学术大会金钥匙” 奖(2006年)、国际现代生命科学学会(美国) 成就奖(2005年),卫生部” 突出贡献中青年医学专家”称号(1999年) 及上海市育才奖(1999年)等。
生卒年月 1908/01/01 - 1993/09/09
American ophthalmologist, born in 1908 in Fall River, Massachusetts; died on September 9, 1993, Bethesda. During his long career, Cogan won many awards. These include the Warren Award in 1944, the Proctor Award in 1954, the Mackenzie Prize in 1968, the 1989 Prevention of Blindness Research Award, and the 1974 Gonin Medal. Cogan sign in patients with muscle weakness: Cogan's eyelid convulsions. When the patient's eyes are directed downward for 10 to 20 seconds, then the patient is instructed to make a vertical eye jump back to the original position, the upper eyelids rise, either begin to sag slowly or twitch several times in a stable position. Cogan-Reese disease: a symptom characterized by a mass or smear on the surface of the iris, unilateral glaucoma with multiple peripheral anterior adhesions, multiple nodules in the iris, and ectopic Descemet's meet in the first two years of medical school.