生卒年月 1875/12/04 - 1927/04/02
German ophthalmologist, born in Berlin on December 4, 1875;He died in Marlborough on April 2, 1927.Carl Bruno stagat was educated at the universities of Heidelberg, erlangen and Berlin and received his doctorate from keele university in 1899.Trained in ophthalmology by professor Carl walker (born 1836) in Kiel, he became assistant chief physician at the university eye clinic.He then worked at the eye clinic in Strasbourg and became the director of ophthalmology in Bonn.In 1923, he succeeded Max belsowski (1899-1940) as head of the department of ophthalmology at the university of marburg.Stargardt's disease: the most common adolescent form of macular degeneration, characterized by multiple yellow subretinal pistil lesions.
生卒年月 1797/01/01 - 1868/01/01
Krause (1797-1868), German anatomist. He received his doctorate in medicine from the University of Göttingen in 1818 and later received his anatomy chair at the School of Surgery in Hannover. His son Wilhelm Krause (1833-1910) is also an anatomist. Klaus was one of the first anatomists to use the microscope extensively. He was the first doctor to describe the perineal transverse ligament and described the accessory lacrimal gland of the eye. Krause's glands: An accessory gland under the eyelid that meets the lower eyelid and upper eyelid. Krause's ligament: Perineal transverse ligament.
生卒年月 1867/06/24 - 1930/07/29
German ophthalmologist, born on June 24, 1867, Medina in Asia Minor; on July 29, 1930, Freiburg im Breisgau died. Axenfeld has made important contributions to the anatomy of the eye, bacteriology and histology, and surgical ophthalmology. He is particularly interested in eye infections, and in Freiburg, his excellent clinical and laboratory facilities have enabled him to expand his research in the field. His eye care, his teaching and operational skills have attracted many graduate students, and Axenfeld has gained an international reputation. In 1925, he was elected chairman of the German Academy of Ophthalmology (Deutsche ophthalmologische Gesellschaft), who received the Graefe Medal for research on metastatic ophthalmia. He also received the Gold Award from the American Academy of Ophthalmology for his contribution to the profession. Axenfeld syndrome: a syndrome characterized by a later corneal embryo toxin, a significant Schwalbe line and adhesion of the iris to the Schwalbe line.
生卒年月 1880/01/01 - 1954/01/01
Kobayashi Mitsu (1880-1954), Japanese eye scientist. Meiji was born in December of the 13th. Dazheng was a professor at Kyoto Medical School for 8 years and later became a professor of ophthalmology at the Northeast Imperial University (now Northeastern University). In 1929, an ocular anterior idiopathic uveitis with systemic symptoms was discovered and reported. He died on February 25, 29th. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome: sudden pigmentation, eyebrows and hair whitening, baldness and vitiligo and other skin damage, headache, dizziness, nausea and other nervous system manifestations, tinnitus, deafness and dizziness and other inner ear symptoms.