生卒年月 1832/01/01 - 1911/01/01
Knapp (1832- 1911), German-American ophthalmologist and otolaryngologist. Born in Germany, immigrated to New York. Knapp's Rule: A lens placed at the front of the eye (usually 15 mm in front of the eye), as long as the difference between the two eyes is due to the difference in length of the eye axis, a similar size will be produced on the retina. image. This is important for correcting refractive errors with the glasses. But there is some controversy about the soundness of the Knapp rule.
生卒年月 1851/01/01 - 1920/01/01
Danish ophthalmologist. Born in 1851, died in 1920. He left the Ribe Cathedral in Denmark in 1869 and completed his medical degree in Copenhagen in 1876. Inspired by Hansen Grout, he quickly became interested in ophthalmology and was appointed as an assistant to Hansen Grout in 1879. Bjerrum's scientific concern is the form of visual perception and the local resolution of the retina. The relationship between capabilities. He argued this in the title "UndersØgeleserofFormsans og Lyssands iforskelligeØjensyngdomme" (a survey of the morphological and light perception of various eye diseases). This title was deliberately given by Denmark, indicating that he must write his publication in Danish throughout his life. Bjerrum scotoma: The visual field defect feature of glaucoma. It is a nerve fiber bundle defect extending from a blind spot, swept around the macula area and ends in a straight line on the nasal side corresponding to the medial temporal sulcus in the retina.
生卒年月 1912/01/01 - 1989/01/01
出生日期 1933/01/01
嵇训传,男, 1955年毕业于上海医科大学。1955年底~1994年2月在眼耳鼻喉科医院眼科任职。历任眼科教研室秘书、副主任、主任。眼耳鼻喉科医院院长。中华医学会眼科学会副主任委员,中华医学会眼科学会上海分会主任委员,中华眼科杂志副主编,国际眼科咨询委员会委员。曾参加编写《眼科全书》第26卷《眼科显微手术学》、《中国医学百科全书眼科分卷》《眼科高校全国统一教材》本书中的有关章节。发表论文13篇。带教研究生四名(包括一名伊朗硕士生)。2002年被聘任为眼耳鼻喉科医院眼科终身教授。
生卒年月 1905/01/01 - 1992/01/01
生卒年月 1923/02/22 - 2023/01/19
金秀英,女,北京同仁医院眼角膜组主任医师。1945年毕业于北京大学医学院。1948年至今就职北京同仁医院眼科、北京市眼科研究所医师。曾历任同仁医院眼科角膜病组组长、北京市眼科研究所微生物学研究室室主任、北京市眼科研究所所长。 1979年开始曾任硕士研究生导师,前首都医科大学学位评定委员会委员。中华医学会眼科学北京分会秘书、《中华眼科杂志》、《眼科研究》、《眼科》杂志编委、国际接触镜教育者协会亚太地区副主席。专业特长为感染性、免疫性眼病、结膜病、角膜病的临床诊疗与会诊。开展实验室眼科微生物学、细胞学、免疫学及抗感染眼用药物研究。发表论文70余篇,参编《眼科新编》、《现代临床病毒学》、《眼科全书》等。沙眼防治研究曾获全国医药卫生科技大会奖,沙眼研究获卫生部乙级科学进步奖,角膜病等研究多次获北京市科技成果奖。1992年获国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴。1993年被评为北京市有突出贡献的专家。2005年获中美眼科学会颁发的中华眼科金钥匙奖。
生卒年月 1912/01/01 - 1987/01/01
景崇德(1912~1987年)满族。眼科专家。奉天盛京(今辽宁沈阳)人。1936年毕业于满州医科大学,并留校任教师。1946年获日本国文部省医学博士学位。 曾任沈阳学院医学院副教授、教授。1948年后,历任中国医科大学教授,哈尔滨医科大学教授、附属医院眼科主任。中国民主同盟盟员。 长期致力于白内障、青光眼及眼外伤基础理论的研究工作。撰有《半乳糖白内病》、《虹膜激光凝固术后房水中前列腺素EL与蛋白量的动态观察》等论文,合著有《青光眼》、《眼科治疗学》。
生卒年月 1727/01/01 - 1759/01/01
German anatomist and botanist in Berlin and later Göttingen; born 1727 died 1759 Circle of Zinn.
生卒年月 1803/01/01 - 1852/05/02
British ophthalmologist, born in 1803, Norwich; May 2, 1852, died in London. John Dalrymple is the eldest son of Norwich's famous surgeon, William Dalrymple (1772-1847). He accepted his father's first medical education before entering the University of Edinburgh and graduated in medicine in 1827. Dalrymple contributed to the ophthalmology literature in two large works published in 1834 and 1852. John Dalrymple played an important role in discovering the albumin now known as the Bence Jones protein. See Henry Bence Jones, British physician and chemist, 1813-1873. Signs of Dalrymple: Hyperthyroidism (Barcelone's disease) when the eyelids widen or the eyelids, resulting in an abnormal width of the cleft palate.
生卒年月 1829/01/01 - 1870/01/01
Dr.Laurence (1829 - 1870), Ph.D., British ophthalmologist. In 1857 he became the founder of the South London Eye Hospital and later known as the Royal Eye Clinic. In 1864, he became the founder and editor of the "Ophthalmic Review" magazine, the first journal in the UK dedicated to ophthalmology. At the same time, he was praised for promoting the use of ophthalmoscopes in the UK. In 1866, along with his colleague Robert Charles Moon, a very rare complication of retinitis pigmentosa syndrome was described. Laurence-Moon Syndrome: Loss of vision leads to blindness, mental retardation, short stature and hypogonadism.
生卒年月 1828/01/01 - 1913/01/01
Sir Hutchinson (1828-1913), British ophthalmologist and surgeon, syphilis specialist, neurologist, and a writer and teacher. Hutchinson's contribution to the surgical profession and the advancement of natural science research is amazing. He has published more than 1,200 medical articles, which have strong observational effects on gout, leprosy and other diseases, and the pathogenesis of neuropathy. He is also an expert in syphilis. He also opened an educational museum for natural history education in his hometown of Selby. In 1908, he won the British Knight Medal. Hutchinson's sign: notched incisors, labyrinth deafness and interstitial keratitis.
生卒年月 1790/01/01 - 1883/01/01
An anatomist in Paris; born in 1790 and died in 1883. Jules Germain Cloquet is the younger brother of Hippolyte Cloquet (1787-1840). He was originally an apprentice in his father's studio. He was a draftsman and later became a model for the anatomical figures of Paris teachers. He first studied natural sciences in Rouen, but came to Paris in 1810 to work on medicine. Cloquet reformed theoretical education by using pictures and preparing for reform. His lecture was collected and published by Dominique-Jean Baron Larrey (1766-1842). In addition to numerous papers on surgery and anatomy, Cloquet is also considered to be the invention of several surgical instruments, including arterial forceps and devices for removing foreign objects. Cloquet's tube: the residue of the embryo.