生卒年月 1920/01/01 - 1994/01/01
生卒年月 1862/01/01 - 1932/01/01
British ophthalmologist,1862 -- 1932.Edward trecher Collins entered Middlesex hospital in 1879 and graduated in 1883.In 1886 he was appointed pathologist and curator of the hospital museum.He held this post until he was appointed hospital surgeon in 1895.As a pathologist, his work in the hospital laid the groundwork for his lectures and the 1896 publication of the anatomy and pathology of the eye.He has made great contributions to the development of ophthalmology at home and abroad.In 1927, he was elected President of the British academy of ophthalmology and the international association of ophthalmologists.His charisma and talent served him well in a difficult period of post-war reconciliation.Treacher Collins syndrome: a defect in the middle and lateral third of the lower eyelid and systemic abnormalities such as maxillofacial muscular atrophy and malformed ears.This is an autosomal dominant disease.
生卒年月 1863/01/01 - 1933/01/01
Maddox (1863-1933), a British surgeon and ophthalmologist, an expert in both binocular vision and strabismus (especially strabismus). He has a high level of expertise in optical therapy and has invented a variety of devices for better eye condition research. Including the Markov rod, Markov double prism, Markov red glass, Markov cross and Markov wing. As an enthusiastic astronomy enthusiast, he also invented a lightning arrester that can be placed on stars and constellations. Maddox rod: An important and indispensable tool for binocular visual function testing. The Markov rod can be used for horizontal and vertical recessive strabismus, rotational recessive strabismus, and unequal image inspection. It has important reference value in evaluating binocular vision function and disposing of binocular vision abnormalities.
出生日期 1851
Abstract Although his name is commonly recognized in conjunction with various corneal and anterior segment disorders, Ernst Fuchs' contribution to ophthalmology exceeds purely the delineation of ocular diseases and the detailed description of signs. Fuchs' collection of microscopic samples laid the foundation for anatomical and pathological understanding of blood vessels, muscles, and most other tissues of the eye. Additionally, Fuchs was able to pass on his unique knowledge, educating ophthalmologists at an international level. His textbook was, for many decades, the most extensively used reference book in the field of ophthalmology worldwide.
生卒年月 1867/08/03 - 1939/01/01
German ophthalmologist, born on August 3, 1867, in Konigsberg;He died in 1939.Von hippel received his m.d. in gottingen in 1889.Hipper became a doctor in 1890 and was appointed assistant professor of pathology at the university of Heidelberg in 1893.Here he studied severely infected cadavers, which influenced his subsequent research.In 1892 he began to specialize in ophthalmology and became Dr. Leber's assistant.He studied and lectured on ophthalmology and won an award for his research.In 1897, he was appointed Heidelberg distinguished professor.In 1909, von hippel moved to Halley as professor and director of the ophthalmology clinic, and in 1914 to gottingen as professor of ophthalmology.In 1934, due to poor health, he retired.Von hippel is internationally recognized for his work on the pathological anatomy of the eye.Von Hippel-Lindau: a malignant tumor characterized by retinal hemangioma, small cerebrovascular blastoma, and renal tumor.The condition is autosomal dominant and is now located on chromosome 3.
生卒年月 1919/05/01 - 2004/11/06
方谦逊(1919-2004)教授,我国知名眼科专家,四川大学华西临床医学院华西医院眼科教研室博士研究生导师,原华西协合大学眼耳鼻喉医院(存仁医院)院长,原华西医科大学附属医院主管科研工作副院长。 1941 年辗转到达四川成都,就读于华西协合大学医学院。1947年毕业,获美国纽约州立大学医学博士学位,并以优异成绩应聘留校,在眼科行医执教。 方谦逊教授 1978 年至 1988 年任中华医学会眼科学会全国委员会委员,并任《中华眼科杂志》编委会委员20余年,曾任中华医学会儿童弱视学组副组长和《中华眼底病杂志》顾问。曾担任全国医用激光学会副主任委员和四川省光学学会理事;四川省生物医学工程学会常务理事和《生物医学工程杂志》副主编。
生卒年月 1918/01/01 - 2004/01/01
出生日期 1941/01/01
冯克孝(1941-2001),山西省眼科医院副院长、眼科专家、共产党员。连续4年深入贫困山区武乡县,为患者做手术120多例,被誉为“光明使者”。这张照片拍摄于1992年,冯克孝在武乡县中医院为患者做手术时,刊登在1992年8月17日《光明日报》,并加标题:“光明使者”。后来,冯克孝升任山西省眼科医院副院长。2001年10月22日,他率领医疗队赴山西省五寨县扶贫义诊途中发生车祸,不幸因公殉职 ,终年61岁。
生卒年月 1863/03/08 - 1962/01/01
English physician, born in London on May 8, 1863;He died in 1962.Herman David webb was educated at charterhouse college, Cambridge, and studied medicine at st bartholomew's hospital in London, as well as in Cambridge, Paris and Vienna.Weber received his doctorate from Cambridge university in 1892 and was a resident at st. Bartholomew's Hospital, where he served as a surgeon and physician.In 1894 he was appointed honorary doctor of the German hospital, queen's square, London.Parker was the first Mitchell lecturer at the royal college of physicians in 1921.Over 50 years, he has written more than 1,200 medical papers and more than 20 books or chapters.Urge -Weber syndrome: a congenital disorder involving the brain, skin and eyes.Rendu-osler-weber disease: familial syndrome characterized by multiple telangiectasia in the skin, mouth, nasal cavity, conjunctiva, and gastrointestinal mucosa.
生卒年月 1871/01/01 - 1965/01/01
German ophthalmologist. Born in 1871, died in 1965. Friedrich Best was born in Wermelskirehen in Rhineland, received early medical and ophthalmology education at Theodore Leber clinic in Heidelberg, then went to Giessen. Under the leadership of Vossius, he became an assistant professor from 1896 to 1905, during which he It took a while. Together with the great physiologist Hering. In 1906 he settled in Dresden until the German branch, and he came to Neidermarsburg in western Germany until his 90th year. In addition to his classic study of macular degeneration, he is always interested in visual physiology and is the first person to use a logarithmic scale when measuring dark adaptation. Best disease (yolk-like macular dystrophy): Heredofamilial macular degeneration with autosomal dominant inheritance.
生卒年月 1833/12/02 - 1910/08/26
German pathologist, born on December 2, 1833, west fallon gutterlow;He died in Strasbourg on August 26, 1910.Friedrich Daniel von Recklinghausen studied medicine in Bonn from 1852 to 1855, and received his m.d. in wurzburg and Berlin in 1855 at the age of 22.In 1865 he was appointed professor of pathological anatomy at konigsberg from 1866 to 1872, he was professor at the university of wurzburg, and finally, from 1872 to 1906, he taught at the university of Strasbourg.He became President of the university in 1877 and was an active researcher and teacher until shortly before his death in 1910.Neurofibroma: genetic disease characterized by coffee milk spots associated with various peripheral nerve tumors, as well as various abnormal hyperplasia of skin, nervous system, bone and endocrine organs.
生卒年月 1795/01/01 - 1858/01/01
Professor of anatomy at the Universityof Berlin; born 1795-1858 Schlemm's canal. .
生卒年月 1893/01/01 - 1968/01/01
出生日期 1919/01/01
1942年12月辽宁医学院医疗专业毕业,曾在沈阳重明眼科医院工作4年,英国留学两年,1978年起在沈阳市第四人民医院眼科工作,组建了沈阳市眼病研究所、沈阳市眼病医院,任副院长、眼病研究所名誉所长、主任医师。1991年10月国务院授予“在医疗卫生事业中有突出贡献的专家”称号。 精通英、日、俄语,并用英语授课。通晓眼科国内外理论技术,曾在《中华眼科杂志》上发表《沸水注射对于睑血管瘤的效果》、《组织埋植法对视网膜色素变性的效果》等多篇文章。
出生日期 1970/01/01
葛坚,男,眼科教授、博士生导师。原中山大学中山眼科中心主任,原眼科学国家重点实验室主任,美国休斯顿大学客座教授,香港理工大学荣誉教授。国家973项目首席科学家,中华医学会眼科学分会名誉主任委员,中国医师协会眼科学分会副主任委员,中华眼科学会青光眼学组前任组长,广东省眼科医师学会主任委员,世界青光眼协会常务理事,《中华眼科杂志》及《中华实验眼科杂志》副总编。《Clinical and Experimental Optometry》、《Journal of Glaucoma》编委。葛坚教授从事眼科临床及研究工作30余年,在青光眼诊治、白内障超声乳化与眼内窥镜激光治疗疑难青光眼、干细胞研究、近视眼防治等方面有较高的造诣。所领导的团队相继获得了973计划、863重大专项、卫生部临床重点学科项目、教育部科学技术研究重大项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目等多项基金的资助,获得国家科技进步二等奖、教育部及广东省科技进步一等奖等奖项十余次。截至目前,单独或与他人合作发表论文330篇,其中SCI收录论文140篇。主编卫生部统编七年制以及八年制《眼科学》教材、教育部五年制《眼科学》教材和《现代青光眼研究进展》。已培养博士研究生71名,已出站博士后8名,其中17人次获得国家自然科学基金,1人获得全国百篇优秀博士论文奖。分别获得“全国医院优秀院长”、 “广东省优秀院长”、 “中华眼科杰出成就奖”、“中国医师奖”、亚太眼科学会“杰出服务奖”、中美眼科学会“金钥匙奖”、世界青光眼协会“高级研究科学家奖”(“Senior Research Scientist”奖)和“突出贡献奖(The World Glaucoma Association Recognition Award)”,澳大利亚政府“杰出创新奖”(“Excellence in Innovation”奖),亚太眼科学会“最高学术奖”(“De Ocampo”奖)等荣誉。
生卒年月 1925/01/01 - 1998/01/01
耿贯一(1925-1998) 1943年考入原中央大学医学院。1949年毕业后在天津医学院从事内科临床、流行病学科研及教学工作。 是我国成绩卓著的流行病学专家和医学教育家。1951年他于天津医学院创建了寄生虫学教研室,1957年创建流行病学教研室,是原公共卫生系的创始人及第一、二届系主任。在教学、科研中,他为人师表,治学严谨。对许多慢性非传染性疾病的病因和预防展开了广泛深入的研究;积极向各级政府领导提出控制吸烟的建议;和王延华等医生首先倡议在中国开展爱眼日活动,后经卫生部等12部委批准设立“全国爱眼日”。他先后四次主编全国统一教材《流行病学》该书曾被全国上百所医学院校的临床医学生使用。他主编的中文流行病学参考书《流行病学》影响波及海内外,于多家国外图书馆收藏。该书和他的其它几十本著作以及200多篇论文成为留给后人的宝贵财富。
生卒年月 1876/01/01 - 1915/01/01
Scottish ophthalmologist, born in 1876, Paisley; died in October 1915. He began working at the Royal Eye Hospital in London in 1902, became FRCS in 1903, and was appointed curator and pathologist at Moorfields Hospital in 1905. In 1906, he became an assistant ophthalmologist at the Great Northern Central Hospital, at the Royal London Eye Hospital in 1909, and in St. Mary's Hospital in 1911. He has served on the London Teaching Hospital for many appointments. At the time of his death, he was an assistant surgeon and assistant ophthalmologist at the Royal London Eye Hospital at St. Mary's Hospital. Coats disease: It is a developmental retinal vascular abnormality consisting of leaking telangiectasia and aneurysm retinal blood vessels, associated with associated lipid exudation, a condition that often occurs in the first decade of life. In the eyes.
生卒年月 1904/01/01 - 1991/01/01
生卒年月 1930/01/01 - 2012/01/01
郭静秋(1930-2012)原北京大学第一医院斜视与小儿眼科主任医师,教授,北京医科大学儿童视觉研究中心(儿童视力保护中心)主任,全国弱视斜视防治中心主任。小儿眼科学家,在小儿弱视、斜视领域的研究水平居国际前沿,是学科带头人。 发表论文60余篇,出版著作5部,《现代眼科手册》、《眼科手术学》、《实用眼科学》。主要社会兼职有:《中华眼科学会斜视与小儿眼科学》组主任委员,《中国斜视与小儿眼科》杂志主编,《中华眼科杂志》、《中国实用眼科杂志》、《眼科》、《眼科研究、上海眼耳鼻喉》杂志等编委,中国保健科技学会学术委员。荣获国家卫生部科技成果甲级奖、国家卫生部科技进步二等奖、国家卫生部科技成果二等奖、1955年获光华科技基金奖,享受政府特殊津贴待遇。
郭希让,男,主任医师, 硕士研究生导师, 中华医学会眼科学会常务委员,河南省医学会副会长 。 1964 年毕业于河南医学院医学系本科,同年分配到河南省人民医院省眼科研究所, 1992 年晋升为眼科主任医师,研究员。 1983 ~ 2000 年担任河南省人民医院副院长,河南省眼科研究所副所长,所长 , 兼任河南省医学会眼科学会委员、副主任委员、主任委员。 2000 年始任中华医学会眼科学会委员、常务委员,中华眼底病专业委员会委员,中华医学会激光医学专业委员会委员,中国光学会委员,以及河南省医学会副会长,河南医师协会眼科分会会长。2008年至今担任郑州普瑞眼科医院院长,每周一、二、三、五在郑州普瑞眼科医院坐诊。曾主持省多项重大研究项目,其中 “格子样变性致视网膜脱离的防治研究”获 1995 年度省科技进步二等奖。曾在国内外眼科杂志发表论文 80 余篇,主编《现代视网膜玻璃体手术学》、《激光医学教程》等 5 部专著。 2001 年参与高等教育部规划医药院校 5 年制本科《眼科学》中葡萄膜疾病和眼外伤章节的撰写、7年制硕士研究生《眼科学》眼科影象诊断和眼与全身病章节的撰写,以及8年制博士生《眼科学》教科书的编委,撰写葡萄膜疾病和眼外伤等章节。 1997 年获中华医学会眼科学会奖, 1994 年被省政府命名为省优秀专家,享有政府特殊津贴 。